Monday, December 27, 2010

research(motion grapher)

Johnny Kelly and Matthew Cooper have just made a series of 56 hilarious and poignant animated GIFS called I Am Not An Artist for Elisava, a Barcelona-based design school. The piece, subtitled An Animated GIF Paranoia About Nonstop Design Workers, illustrates the process of design as hard and sometimes painful work using stop-motion and animated sequences that are reduced to 3-7 frame loops. Some are silly, some are trippy, some are mundane. For me the totality of watching the 56 loops playing all together feels a bit like the kind of work we do; windows upon windows of activity, with no end in sight.

Nexus Production’s director Johnny Kelly just made this short film for YouTube Play, an exhibition that YouTube and the Guggenheim Museum in NYC are calling “a Biennial of Creative Video” and which you can submit or nominate your own non-commercial work to right now; submissions are open until July 31st. Johnny’s piece is top-notch, encapsulating the Youtube experience in life-size sets which reference famous art works and also run the gamut from wood-grain explosions to rocky caves to circuit-boards and geometric cityscapes, all using the familiar Youtube play button as a central motif. Johnny explained his idea in the press release from Nexus:

“I wanted to try and capture that down the rabbit hole feeling you get when watching YouTube – you start by watching something innocent like a music video, then another video catches your eye and before you know it you’ve spent your fourth hour watching videos of pandas playing pianos. From a technical point of view, it was a challenging animation assault course, with much head-scratching and figuring out along the way. I was very fortunate to be surrounded by brainiacs like production designer Graham Staughton who always had an inventive solution to any problem we came up against.”

The NY Times ran an article on the exhibition yesterday as well, which had an interesting alternative viewpoint expressed by Robert Storr, dean of the Yale University School of Art, which is well worth considering:

“It’s time to stop kidding ourselves,” Mr. Storr added. “The museum as revolving door for new talent is the enemy of art and of talent, not their friend — and the enemy of the public as well, since it refuses to actually serve that public but serves up art as if it was quick-to-spoil produce from a Fresh Direct warehouse.”

research(digital ilustrator)

Paul Davey

Packed with color, symbolism and an eye-catching depth of detail,Paul Davey’s illustrations still have one quality that stands out above the others: a luminosity that gives each scene the sense of taking place in a dream world. The Jamaican artist currently resides in Miami and is in the process of creating a graphic novel.

He says of his drawings, “They usually revolve around me and people in my life. What they’re feeling and how they make me feel are things I consider when I’m planning and I’m not satisfied with my work unless it gives me some kind of visceral reaction when I look at it.”

more go

research(digital visual artist)

Bobby Chui


Digital painter Bobby Chui got his start designing Disney, Warner Bros. and Star Wars toys and that playful, imaginative tone remains in his illustration work for film and television today. Chui teaches digital painting at and has won a number of CG Choice Awards from the CG Society of Digital Artists.

Of his choice to work with digital rather than traditional materials, Chui told It’s Art Magazine, “When I experimented a bit with Illustrator and Photoshop 3 I quickly realized that ‘digital’ will be the way to go in the near future. With digital art there is no need to buy paint or canvases and you can take your art with you to work on almost anywhere. You can’t do that using traditional materials.”

About Bobby Chui

is an independent artist from Toronto,Canada.he started career at age of 17 designing officially licensed toys for companies such as Disney and Pixar.he also teaches digital arts and has written many tutorials.he is well known and recognized as one of the talented artist of our times.

Research of (sad)

Sad expressions

Sad expressions are often conceived as opposite to happy ones, but this view is too simple, although the action of the mouth corners is opposite. Sad expressions convey messages related to loss, bereavement, discomfort, pain, helplessness, etc. Until recently, American culture contained a strong censure against public displays of sadness by men, which may account for the relative ease of finding pictures of sad expressions on female faces. A common sense view, shared by many psychologists, is that sad emotion faces are lower intensity forms of crying faces, which can be observed early in newborns, but differences noted between these two expressions challenge this view, though both are related to distress. Although weeping and tears are a common concomitant of sad expressions, tears are not indicative of any particular emotion, as in tears of joy.

What is sad?

Sadness is a natural feeling which, if unfelt, just stays in our array of unresolved trauma knots. As with other emotions, feel it and it will go away. Resist feeling it and it hangs around forever, periodically erupting inappropriately in our body's attempt to rid itself of associated trauma knots.

It has been most unfashionable to cry, most particularly in the 1950s and 1960s. Negative judgments were commonly made about those who did so in public. Politicians for many years avoided anything even remotely connected to tears. Today that seems to be changing. We all need to feel sadness and grief at times. If we are not to remain emotionally disabled, then we need to allow whatever sobs need to wrack us and whatever tears need to roll down our cheeks.

Emotionally healthy adults are comfortable saying the words I love you to men, women, and children in a feeling way.

Common inhibiting beliefs are: (1)my tears would never stop, (2)tears or sobbing would show weakness (unmanliness too), (3)others would disapprove.

(1)Of course your tears would stop. Don't histrionic tears of even the most melodramatic person eventually stop? The real fear typically is that of loss of control. If I let the tears or sobbing start, then I won't be able to stop them. They will stop of their own accord, probably sooner than later. You will stop them if you need to do so in an emergency or if that is your choice.

(2)Do tears and sobbing show weakness? NO, THEY SHOW STRENGTH! That is, of course, a different view from what many of us learned as children. Nevertheless, it takes strength and courage to allow all one's emotions (particularly ones that might be criticized) to be expressed. To be authentic emotionally shows much more strength of character than to hide one's unpopular parts. The person who cannot or will not express the natural human expressions of tears and sobbing could be considered emotionally crippled.

(3)There are still some who disapprove of almost any expression of sadness, because they are afraid to feel it themselves. The phrase "break down into tears" captures the essence of this disapproval. I have hopes the media will soon come to realize that use of "break down" in that context is unhelpful to society and fosters continuation of macho-male stereotypes. In the 1990s, given many tears by famous males, disapproval of sadness and tears is definitely on the wane.

when is kids sad?

other kids,both enemies can cause hurt feelings and sadness through fighting teasing,peer pressure,not giving support,feeling of misunderstood.

when sadness a problem

-feeling empty

-feeling lonely

-crying alot

Research of (excited)

When you understand that you control the events of your personal experience by the power of your thought, then your focused attention to that which you want will always bring forth excited emotion -- and the excited emotion is the indicator that your creation is being propelled forward."

The meaning of excited?

  • aroused: (of persons) excessively affected by emotion; "he would become emotional over nothing at all"; "she was worked up about all the noise"
  • in an aroused state
  • delirious: marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion; "a crowd of delirious baseball fans"; "something frantic in their gaiety"; "a mad whirl of pleasure"
  • activated: (of e.g. a molecule) made reactive or more reactive'
Example of excited things for the kid?

- got excited about playing football with friends or playing the latest computer game
-excited in family game night-how to make them happy with that?

-1. See if they Want their Friend
-s to Come over

The more the merrier, game night does not have to be just about being with the family. It can mean being with the family and friends. Also having their friends there will let them enjoy having a game night even more.

2. Make it a contest.

Having a contest is a good way to get kids involved and excited. It makes them want to play because they want the title of the Best Gamer for the night. It also makes things a little more interesting for the whole family. You may want to offer prizes, or you may want to just offer a title it is up to you.

3. Start Young

Little kids love to play games, older kids want to be with their friends and not with their family. So start playing games early. The younger your kids are when they start having a game night the more likely they will want to have some sort of family game night even when they get into their teens.

4. Don’t hold it every Day

Of course older kids will not come to game night if you hold it every night. They need to spend time with their friends. Try holding it once a week or so will work much better.

5. Be Excited and Mix things Up

The more you get into it the more everyone else will be too. If you go complaining everything you will get a lot of negativity. If however, you go there to spend time with everyone and have fun then other people will have fun too.

-with the outdoors and indoor games

-getting good result for exams or waiting for the result.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Research of (freedom)

What is freedom
  • the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints
  • exemption: immunity from an obligation or duty
Freedom. Everyone seems to be for it: liberals and conservatives, libertarians and progressives, hippies and buttoned-down capitalists.

freedom is being able to do what you want to do. This definition encompasses the word root “free” in its myriad forms. Free speech and free beerboth speak of freedom. If you want to mouth off or get drunk, then free speech and free beer are the freedoms for you. In general, political freedom and financial freedom both enable us do more of what we want to do; they both give us more options in life.

This simple definition works for all the factions above. It also explains why these factions are at each other’s throats. We cannot all be 100% free. At some point more freedom for me means less freedom for you. Allow me to illustrate:

I would like to spend more time writing (and rewriting) articles for this site. I would also start a more democratic stock exchange, create a new political party, write a new operating system, and develop some eco-technology moldering in my notebooks. Alas, I lack the time and finances to do these fun and useful things. I could do at least some of them if I were to receive money without having a day job. Financial freedom is freedom. But how to do this…I know! I’ll do what the government does: I’ll collect taxes. You are hereby required to pay your Milsted Tax. Estimate your income for the past year and sent me 1%. I’m cheaper than the U.S. government, and I won’t invade a Middle Eastern country without good reason. This is a bargain!
Other meaning for freedom

is self-determinance; it is the condition of minimal constraint. Naturally, in a society or community, there has to be some constraints — the burglar cannot have the freedom to steal, the thug cannot have the freedom to mug, and the businessman cannot have the freedom to excessively pollute and pay no taxes. But get the balance between personal freedom, social order and ecological integrity right, and the vast majority of citizens can live happily with moderate personal freedom and minimal constraints.

when can we get freedom?

Democracy can only be an agent of freedom if it gives people meaningful voting choices (not just a choice of 2 or 3 parties with only cosmetic differences), and if it ensures that the people have the unbiased and undistorted information necessary to make a choice that is in their interest (which can only happen with a mass media and educational system free from undue governmentand corporate influence). Of course, sometimes the majority may want to use their democratic rights to restrict freedom (for example in the areas of gun ownership, stem cell research, GM foods, pedophilia, the "war against terror" or fox hunting). This is because different freedoms often conflict with each other.

For example, the freedom to have clean air requires restriction of the freedom for factory owners to produce cheap goods by not having to clean up the pollution generated as a by-product. So the freedom for us all to have clean air conflicts with both the freedom of the factory owner to make larger profits (by having to clean up) and the freedom we all have to buy cheap goods. So freedoms do not necessarily conflict between different groups of people, but often with the same group of people. So the support for freedom is always a balancing act, usually between our collective long-term interests and the short-term interests of not only society, as a whole, but also of particular groups of people (which includes corporations and political groups).

Another example of this conflict might be in raising a green tax on large 4x4 vehicles to off-set their greater ecological impact. Many of us, especially 4x4 drivers, consider this an affront to our personal freedom to drive our own choice of car, and yet such a tax is likely to be in the interest of future generations, including the very children of those 4x4 drivers. Which freedom is more important? That should be obvious to anybody, but because so many decision makers are taking short-term and selfish perspectives, long-term public interests are not being respected and freedoms are not being chosen wisely.'

"What is freedom? Freedom is the right to choose: the right to create for yourself the alternatives of choice. Without the possibility of choice and the exercise of choice a man is not a man but a member, an instrument, a thing."
— Archibald MacLeish

"The purpose of freedom is to create it for others."
— Bernard Malamud

"We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home."
— Edward R. Murrow