Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Assignment 2

Topic chosen

What is Sound?
-Sound is a mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid,liquid or gas which composed of frequencies within the range of hearing and of a level sufficiently strong to be heard or the sensation stimulated in organs of hearing by such vibrations.

-Sound is a form of energy,just like electricity and light.Sound is made when air molecules vibrate and move in a pattern called waves,or sound waves.Think of when you clap your hands,or when you slam the car door shut.The action produces sound waves,which travel to your ears and then to your brain which says,''I recognize that sound.

-Sound can also be defined as a type of energy made by vibrations.When any object vibrates,it causes movement in the air particles.These particles bump into the particles close to them which makes them vibrate too causing them to bump into the particles close to them,which called sound waves,keeps going until they run out of energy.If your ear is within range of vibration ,you hear the sound.

- Picture a stone thrown into a still body of water.The rings of waves expand indefinitely.The same is true with sound.Irregular repeating sound waves noice,while regular repeating waves produce musical notes.

- When the vibrations are fast,you hear a high note.When the vibrations are slow,it creates a low note.The sound waves in the diagram show the different frequencies for high and low notes.

sound system

sound wave
Video about sound

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