Monday, December 20, 2010



From my research,I had came out with some of the topic that related to the sound.Generally sound is most common word that can be heard everywhere.there is many categorize that can be include in this sound topic that being chosen.From my research i had came out with branches of subtopic of it which are sound on object,music,purpose reaction, noise pollution,keyboard,factory noise and some other things.from the mind map we can learnt that sound is not a small thing and it can be stated in many kind of categorize.from that i had chosen music as my title for my second assignment.


By this, music is one of the part that most of them like especially for the kids and teenager and also adult which not so interested in this makes me easy to bring them for my artwork which related to my assignment.Music is a fun thing,bring happiness,enjoying,release tension and some negative way is bring stress condition,headache and many other things.By my topic i can get opinion from others though what is music for them and what they think about it for the 3 categorize which are kids, teenager and also adults.

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